Friday, February 28, 2014



[Peter said,] "Then Jesus arrived from Nazareth, anointed by God with the Holy Spirit, ready for action. He went through the country helping people and healing everyone who was beaten down by the Devil. He was able to do all this because God was with him." — Acts 10:38


The Bible talks about the Holy Spirit as the promised gift of God. While there are many amazing things about this gift, one of the most amazing is that the gift of the Holy Spirit, this anointing from God, is something we share in common with Jesus. More than just helping us intellectually know the truth about Jesus (1 John 2:20-27), the Holy Spirit is at work to conform us to be like Jesus (2 Cor. 3:18). This gift ensures that God is not "out there somewhere," but that God lives in us and we are his holy temple because of his presence within us (1 Cor. 6:19-20). Our response? To be people in whom God is glorified! We are gifted and we in turn glorify the Giftor!


Almighty God, to think you would come and live inside me through your Holy Spirit is incredibly humbling. I confess that I do not think about this as frequently as I should. There are times that I have not dedicated myself to being a holy place for your presence to dwell. Please cleanse me, purify my heart, and be glorified in my actions as I try to more consciously live for your glory. In Jesus' name
I pray. Amen.

SOURCE: Devotional provided by Heartlight ®

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Life Is Not Fair.

May I gently but firmly remind you of something you know but may have forgotten? Life is not fair. That’s not pessimism, it’s a fact.  It’s not a complaint, it’s just the way things are. I don’t like it. Neither do you. Ever since the kid down the block got a bike and we didn’t, we’ve been saying the same thing,“That’s not fair!”

At some point someone needs to say to us, “Who ever told you life was going to be fair?” God didn’t. In James 1:2, he didn’t say, “ If you have many kinds of troubles,” he said, “When you have many kinds of troubles.” Troubles are part of the package. These packages prepare us to be strong and stay faithful.
Jesus said, “My kingdom does not belong to this world. My kingdom is from another place (John 18:36).”
When all of earth turns against you, all of heaven turns toward you.  To keep your balance in this crooked world, think of home!

Below are Six Steps To Stay In Faith Even If Life Is Difficult.

How to Trust God when Life Is Hard
Life can be difficult. Some people seem to face life’s hardships with courage and come out stronger on the other side. They are able to climb even what feel like impossible mountains in their life. Others seem to be unable to recover from difficulties, and end up bitter, blaming others or God for their misfortune, or just sinking into depression. The ones who survive and even thrive in spite of challenges are often those who have faith in God, who trust him to help them through tough times.

Here are six steps you can take to gain the ability to trust God when life is hard.

1. Let go of thinking life should always go your way. God always answers the prayer of a fruit bearing Christian, but he does not always answer “yes.” Sometimes, he says “no” or “wait.” Be happy when things go well, enjoy each day and look for the good in it, but let go of feeling entitled to a problem-free life. We have free will to choose to do good or bad, and so does everyone else in the world. So sometimes, bad things happen. Sometimes, we do not get what we want—because what we want would actually not be good for us. Remember that God knows more than you do. Remind yourself that God has your best interests in mind and loves you.

2. Ask God for help by Praying . Always. remember that God never promised to shield you from difficulties. He only promises to be with you—if you want that. Being angry and blaming God won’t help you to get through the valley but rather asking Him to be with you can help you endure far more than you’d ever be able to on your own. You may wonder how to pray. Just speak, trusting God will hear you. Pray for his comfort and strength, rather than praying that he’d simply remove difficulties. You will grow in faith and courage if you pray this way.

3. Read or listen to the stories of others. Their experiences will help you. Author William Sirls writes, “God doesn’t keep us from tests and trials. … He helps us get through them.” Sirls' book The Reason, or other books about people who experienced God's help as they faced difficulties, can give you hope.

4. Always Be Greatful.  Make a list of the things you appreciate about your life--even if it is as basic as a roof overhead or food on your table. Tell God you are thankful for them. The simple act of noticing the good things in your life helps you to have a more positive attitude and helps you to see God’s hand in all things good or bad.

5. Get Beyond Yourself. Reach out to others who can help or encourage you. Any difficult situation seems worse if you are facing it alone. Ask others to support you, pray for you—and do the same for them. And offer to help those who are worse off-which will put your problems in their proper perspective.

6. Adopt An Eternal Perspective. God promises to make all of us well, if we only believe. But he doesn’t promise that will happen right now, in this life on earth our prayers get answered in heaven. We will be able to trust God when we focus on the fact that this life (and its struggles and pain) is temporary, but Heaven is eternal.

LIFE may Not be Fair BUT let Me ASSURE You that Jehovah Is Always Fair!

You can alternatively visit this Blogsite by clicking on this LINK ,to read on why we need to STAY FOCUSED even when Life Is Not Fair to achieve Success and Reach our Divine Destiny To The Fullest.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Last Supper!

For some, the service of communion is a sleepy hour in which wafers are eaten, juice is taken and the soul never stirs. It wasn’t intended to be as such.

In Matthew’s account of the Last Supper, one incredible truth surfaces. Jesus is the person behind it all. He selected the place, designated the time, and set the meal in order. And at the Supper, Jesus is not the served, but the servant. It is Jesus who put on the garb of a servant and washed the disciples’ feet. Jesus is not portrayed as the one who reclines and receives, but as the one who stands and gives.

He still does. The Lord’s Supper is a gift to you. The Lord’s Supper is a holy invitation. A sacred sacrament bidding you to leave the chores of life and enter his splendor. He meets you at the table, are you ready to receive Him?

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Simplify Your Faith

How do you simplify your faith? How do you get rid of the clutter? How do you discover a joy worth waking up to?
Simple. Get rid of the middleman. There are some who suggest the only way to God is through them. There’s the great teacher who has the final word on Bible teaching. There’s the father who must bless your acts. There’s the spiritual master who’ll tell you what God wants you to do.
Jesus’ message for complicated religion is to remove these middlemen. He’s not saying you don’t need teachers, elders, or counselors. He is saying, however,
that we are all brothers and sisters with equal access to the Father. Seek God for yourself. No elaborate channels of command or levels of access.
You have a Bible? You can study. You have a heart? You can pray. You have a mind?  You can think!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Allow That Child In You To Be Alive Always.

No child understands the logic of going to bed while there’s energy left in the body! I remember when my sister Favour, was just eight. My dad went to put her in bed, I went in to give her a final kiss, when she lifted her eyelids and said, “I can’t wait until I wake up!” Oh for the attitude of a eight-year-old!

Is it any wonder Jesus said we must have the heart of a child before we can enter the kingdom of heaven? He said, “Believe me, unless you change your whole outlook and become like little children you will never enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 18:3).” In other words, quit looking at life like an adult.  See it through the eyes of a child.

“I can’t wait to wake up,” are the words of a child’s faith NOT what does the future hold, we're not in control of the future so why think about it? Favour could say them because she plays hard, laughs much, and leaves the worries to her father. Let’s do the same by casting our Burdens on our Heavenly Father!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Why Sorrow?

"Someone once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this, too, was a gift." Mary Oliver - American Poet

Darkness comes in many forms. It may be a source of sorrow caused by divorce, infidelity, death, physical or emotional illness, job loss, abuse, disappointment, betrayal, addiction, abandonment, etc. If you were dealt with any one or more of these packages in life, the human reaction is automatically to fill up with despair, bitterness, and gloom. The sooner there is a shift from a negative mindset into a more accepting one, the less damage occurs to the body, mind and spirit. By viewing these sorrowful life events in this manner, you are truly receiving a gift. This gift can be woven into a blanket of love that not only impacts you personally but wraps your loving influence around others . This impact could potentially improve an entire community. Shift and give a gift . . . the gift of a healthy body, mind, and spirit to yourself and others.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Purpose Of Life

"Life without purpose inevitably falls prey to the perversive ways of an uncommitted life." John Hoover - American Author

No direction? No goals? No purpose outside yourself? No greater good? No belief in God, the Holy One who created you? Without God perversion prevails. Turn the focus of your heart toward God. He has answers for all of life's issues. The Holy Bible is full of His plans for those that love, honor, follow and worship Him. Check out His plans. Why go about life with the taught of mediocrity and pity-partying while the Holy Scripture has assured as in Phillppians 4:6 " Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by Prayer and Petition, with Thanksgiving, present your Request to God."
In short, the writer Paul and Timothy are assuring as that, no matter the circumstances we find ourselves in,always know that God has your Best Interest at Heart and always willing to Bless You to the Glory of His Name.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Personal Growth.

Growth comes from activity. That is personal growth is measured by your daily output in your life, that of others.

Always take a thoughtful step. Especially when you feel stuck it becomes critical that some thoughtful step be taken. Never mind if you are not sure if the action is the right step or not. Judging the action could lead toward curtailing any action or take away the movement. Just take an action. Some step is better than no step. When you feel stuck in a place, step out and test the waters. Then make adjustments. In order to grow a person must be willing to risk.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


The Church is not just an institution or a mere social club. It is where we, who have been brought near to God and washed from sin, can help one another grow Christlikeness. The purpose of meeting together as a corporate body is to exhort and encourage one another. Hebrews 10: 19- 25.

If believers can function, to live as God wanted as to Live,we need join forces as believers to encourage one another, Love and serve. But the challenge is, there are those in God’s family (the church) who find a controversy and stake their claim to it. Every church has at least one stubborn soul who has mastered a minutiae of the message and made a mission out of it.

As long as Christians split hairs,
Christians will split churches. Religious leaders thought they could manipulate Jesus with their controversies. But they were wrong. He was not trapped by their trickery, flattered by their flattery, or fooled by their hypotheses.
Perhaps we should take note. I’d like to say to you what I need someone to say to me when I get territorial about my opinions. I challenge you to look around you. Let go of your territory for a while.
Scout some new regions. Explore some new reefs.  Much is gained by closing your mouth and opening your eyes every south often.


Keep your face to the sunshine and you can't see a shadow." Helen Keller - American Author (1880-1968)

Sunshine brings warmth, hope, opportunity, adventure, even optimism. Shadows bring doubt, skepticism, darkness, fear, even dread. One expands our world; the other restricts our world. You were not designed for a dark existence. You were designed to reflect God's light and love in a dark world. Why choose to face shadows when the sunshine promises brighter days?

Setting limits on ourselves as we strive to make personal improvements becomes either difficult or welcomed depending upon our mindset(whether you look at Sunshine or the Shadow). For example, reducing our food intake for health reasons requires determination. Keeping our talk time limited can be helpful at times because it actually gives others an opportunity to be heard.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Do You Here God Knocking At Your Door(Heart).

Jesus gives the invitation in Revelation 3:20, “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock.”

To know God is to receive his invitation. Not just to hear it, not just to study it, not just to acknowledge it, but to receive it. It’s possible to learn much about God’s invitation and never respond to it personally. His invitation is clear and non-negotiable. He gives all and we give him all. Simple and absolute.
Isn’t it incredible that God leaves this choice up to us? Think about it. We can’t choose the weather. We can’t control the economy. We can’t even choose how people respond to us. But we can choose where we spend eternity. The big choice, God leaves to us. The critical decision is
ours. What are you doing with his
personal request that you live with him forever in eternal life. God is knocking at your door, do you here and are you prepared to receive HIM? I urge you to take a second of your time and pray this simple but Powerful Prayer with me;

Lord Jesus, I have read your word and I am prepared to receive you as my Lord and Personal Savior, I have received you into my Heart and I confess that I'm a sinner and I ask you to forgive me as I make you my Lord and Personal Savior in Jesus name I pray, AMEN!

You can also visit this LINK to know where to find God's Invitation. God Is Calling.Come To Me!

God Is Calling. Come To Me!

Invitations are special.

“You’re invited to a gala celebrating
the grand opening of. . .”

“Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mensah request your presence at the wedding of their daughter. . .”

To be invited is to be honored to be
held in high esteem! The most incredible invitations aren’t found in envelopes, but rather, they are found in the Bible. God invited Eve to marry Adam, the animals to enter the ark, and Mary to give birth to His son.

“Come,” he invited, “Come to me all of you who are tired and have heavy loads, and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28).”
“Come,” he would say.  God is the King who invites us to come, who prepares the palace, sets the table, and invites his subjects to come in. His invitation for you, however, is not just for a meal, it’s for Eternal Life!

Do you wish to know God's Divine Plan For Your Life? Click on this LINK, to read about God's Divine Destiny For You. God's Has A Plan For You! . Stay Blessed!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Measuring Success. HOW?

"Success is not measured by what you do compared to what others do. It is measured by what you do with the ability God gave you." Zig Ziglar -American author, salesman, and motivational speaker (1926-2012).

Success is learning to use the gifts you never knew you had until you communicate with the Creator. Success is also allowing His Will to grow you through your weaknesses as well as your strengths for the good of others. Comparing yourself with others only serves to divert your attention down unfulfilling paths of discontent. You are uniquely created. Have the courage to measure your success as you live according to whom you were created to be. . . A unique, loving human being.

Why Cause GRIEF?

Read: Hebrews 13:17-19
Obey those who rule over you, ...for they watch out for your souls. —Hebrews 13:17

Bible in a Year: Leviticus 19-20; Matthew 27:51-66

Pastors make an easy target for criticism. Every week they are on display, carefully explaining God’s Word, challenging us toward Christlike living. But sometimes we look to find things to criticize. It’s easy to overlook all the good things a pastor does and focus on our personal opinions.

Like all of us, our pastors are not perfect. I’m not saying that we should follow them blindly and never confront error through the
proper channels. But some words from the writer of Hebrews may help us find the right way of thinking about our leaders who are
presenting God’s truth and modeling servant leadership. The writer says, “Have confidence
in your leaders and submit to their authority, because they keep watch over you as those who must give an account” (13:17 niv).

Think about that. Before God, our pastor is responsible for guiding us spiritually. We should want that burden to be joyous, not grievous. The passage indicates that causing
grief for the pastor “would be of no
benefit” (v.17 niv). We honor God and make things better for our church when we give honor to those He has appointed as our leaders.

Our gracious Father, thank You for the person You led to our church as pastor. May we provide
encouragement and support, and may You protect our pastor from error in both word and actions.
Pastors who preach God’s Word need a good word from God’s people.

The relationship between spiritual leaders and followers can sometimes become troubled.
Today’s reading reminds us that maintaining a cooperative spirit is necessary in order to benefit from those who provide spiritual direction for us. Our first response should be prayerful submission: “Obey those who rule over you, and be submissive” (Heb. 13:17). But other passages of Scripture also emphasize a heart of servant leadership in those who provide us with direction: “Most assuredly, I
say to you, a servant is not greater than his master; nor he who is sent greater than he who sent him” (John 13:16). For both leaders and followers, an attitude of mutual submission should prevail: We are to “[submit] to one another in the fear of God” (Eph. 5:21).

Source :
February 16, 2014 — by Dave Branon.

Saturday, February 15, 2014


"Pay attention. Be astonished. And tell about it. We're soaked in distractions. The world didn't have to be beautiful. We can and should think about that beauty and be grateful." Mary Oliver - American Poet

Wake up to the ocean's breeze, billowy clouds against a deep, blue sky, a green stem dressed in select colors of the rainbow waiting to join other flowers to become a bouquet of happiness, or staccato chirps of birds welcoming in a new day. Many will miss the chance to be astonished. Let that not be you. Find the beauty, share with others, and awaken the numb to God's daily wonders surrounding us. And know that it is glorious!


"Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead." Oscar Wilde - Irish Writer and Poet (1854-1900).

Could life be any worse than having no sunshine and no brightly blooming flowers with uplifting colors? Most definitely! . . . That would be a life without others to love. Protect your heart from the corrosion of bitterness, sadness and pity. Choose a heart of kindness and keep your heart pumped with a loving sunshine so that others are drawn to a life of goodness.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Essences Of Valentine!!!

Today is not about showing extra love to your partner. No. It's about showing Extra Love to a complete stranger who feels unloved. Today is about caring about those who the world cares very little about. Today is about putting a smile on a sad face. Today is about reconciliation.

Today is about sharing God's love for us with others. And it doesn't end today. It should become a lifelong endeavor.

Happy Valentine's Day!


This is a message I was saw on a Facebook a Christian page and I would like to share it with you.

I was shocked, confused, bewildered as I entered Heaven's door, Not by the beauty of it all, by the lights or its decor. But it was the folks in Heaven who made me sputter and gasp the thieves, the liars, the sinners, the alcoholics, the trash.
There stood the kid from seventh grade who swiped my lunch money twice. Next to him was my old neighbor who never said anything nice.
Jacob, who I always thought was rotting away in hell, was sitting pretty on cloud nine, looking incredibly well.
I nudged Jesus, "What's the deal? I would love to hear Your take. How'd all these sinners get up here? God must've made a mistake. And why's everyone so quiet, so somber? Give me a clue."
"Hush child," said Jesus "They're all in shock. No one thought they'd see you."

                                                                                        Know That God's Love is Unconditional.
                                                                                                                On twitter @nEshunGH

Go To HIM.

In Matthew 11:28, Jesus said, “Come to Me, all of you who are tired and have heavy loads, and I will give you rest. Accept my teachings and learn from Me,because I am gentle and humble in spirit, and you will find rest for your lives. . .”

I can see you shaking your head. I’ve tried that. I’ve read the Bible. I’ve sat on the pew but I’ve never received relief. Could it be you went to religion and you didn’t go to God? Could it be you went to a church, but never saw Christ?
“Come to Me” the verse reads. Jesus is the solution for weariness of the soul. Go to Him. Admit you have soul secrets you’ve never dealt with. He already knows what they are. Go to Him! He’s just waiting for you to ask Him to help!

God's Greatest Reward

God rewards those who seek Him! Not those who seek doctrine or religion or systems or creeds. Many settle for these lesser passions, but the reward goes to those who settle for nothing less than Jesus Himself.

And what is the reward? What awaits those who seek Jesus? Nothing short of the heart of Jesus. Paul says in 2 Corinthians 3:18 that as the Spirit of the Lord works within us, we become more and more like Him. Can you think
of a greater gift than to be like Jesus? Christ felt no guilt; God wants to banish yours(Guilt). Jesus had no bad habits; God wants to remove yours. Jesus had no fear of death; God wants you to be fearless.

Jesus had kindness for the diseased and showed mercy for the rebellious and courage for the challenges he confronted in his journey on earth. God wants you to have the same. Isn’t it just like Jesus! SEEK YE FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD....

Facebook : nEshun1 on twitter : @Qwesi_10.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

God's Has A Plan For You!

When my younger sister was 12years,she went for inter-school sports competition. Unfortunately for me, I overslept on that faithful day and was not aware she was going for such event, around that day in the evening at 7:00pm, my younger sister had not returned home. I had to find Favour(my sister). As the elder brother of the family I took that responsibility from my parents to search for my sister at that "ungodly hour." I took the root she normally uses on her way to school and to my surprise, I saw her happily with her mates from school around 8:16pm on their way home. Although our family were worried, We knew we had A Mighty Protector who was protecting our sister.

What people thought didn’t matter. Every iota of energy had one goal: to find my sibling which I did anyway.
No price is too high for a guardian to pay to redeem his child. No energy is too great. No effort too demanding. A guardian will go to any length to find his or her own. So will God. Mark it down.

God’s greatest creation is not the flung stars or the gorged canyons.  It’s His eternal plan to reach his children. Heaven and earth know no greater passion than God’s personal passion for you and your return! God is always prepared with an open arm to receive you and is always prepared to leave the 99 percent of saved "sheeps" and find the lost percent.
God has a divine Destiny for all His Creation.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


"Treat the earth well: it is not given to you by your parents. It was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children." American Indian Proverb

There is very little that parents would not do for their children. Given a crisis situation a mother and father would gladly give their life in order to save the life of their child. That is the way human beings are wired. To love, provide for and to protect, that is what a loving parent does. With those basic thoughts in mind, what kind of stewards are we?

How well are we caring for, protecting, and preserving the land that we are stewards over for our future children and grandchildren? Live a legacy worth inheriting. You have what it takes.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


"Good times make good memories. Bad times make good lessons." - Anonymous

Few of us choose bad times intentionally. But In some cases it is our choices that lead to bad times. Whatever the cause of bad times, it is our attitude that often determines if we come out of those bad times as a better person or not. Do we have a teachable attitude? Are we willing to listen to the wisdom around us? Do we truly seek to let go of an old hurt, habit, or unhealthy situation? And lastly, are we willing to muster up the courage to take those wise steps that produce good lessons. We're never to old to be a good student and learn a new lesson.


"Learn to love your work and you'll never have to 'work' again." Truett Cathy -

How can you turn your work into something you love? It really doesn’t matter what you do for a living. Think of a tiny segment of your day and what it is that holds some interest for you. Practice that portion and develop your skills to become better. It could be something as simple as you love to greet people with enthusiasm. Work to become the best greeter ever. Analyze your job, identify an interesting task, develop the task, become the best at that task you can be. If it's your heart's desire, you can make it happen!

Say I Declare!

Look around. People thrash about in seas of guilt, anger, despair. Life isn’t working. We’re drowning fast. But God can rescue us. And only one message matters. His! We need to see God’s glory. Make no mistake. God has no ego problem. He doesn’t reveal His glory for His good but to restore HIS Grace.

We need to witness it for ours. We need a strong hand to pull us into a safe boat. And once aboard, what becomes our priority?
Simple. Promote God. We declare, “Hey, strong boat over here! Able pilot! He can pull you out!” 1 Chronicles 16:24 says, “Declare His glory among the nations, His marvelous deeds among all peoples.” If we boast at all, we boast in the Lord! Psalm 115:1 says, “Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your name give glory because of Your lovingkindness, because of Your truth.”

Monday, February 10, 2014


There’s a time for extravagant gestures. A time to pour out your affections on the one you love. And when the time comes — seize it. Don’t dismiss it!

“Someday,” we say, “I’ll take her on the cruise.”
“Someday”, we say, “I’ll have time to call and chat.”
“Someday, the children will understand why I was so busy.”

But you know the truth, don’t you? You could say it better than I. Some days never come. And the price of practicality is sometimes higher than extravagance.

So, go to the effort…today. Invest the time, today. Make the apology. Take the trip. Purchase the gift. Do it! The seized opportunity renders joy. The neglected brings regret.
Start your day by Living Your Dream.


"I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed." Michael Jordan.

Professional basketball player Michael Jordan acquired the reputation for being the greatest basketball player of all time. He was inducted into the Basketball hall of fame in 2009. Although Michael acknowledged the numerous times he met failure on the court of his professional, sports life, his passionate attitude propelled him into a league of his own.

How many of us have given up on our first few failures? Facing failure constructively means one does not give in to failure but revs up for improvement. As you begin your day, commit your attitude to that of Michael Jordan's so to say. Recognize failure, build on EVERY failure that comes along and be SUCCESSFUL in whatever you attempt.


"The heart that gives, gathers." Marianne Moore-American Poet (1887-1972)

Think of your favorite heart person. Do they tend to be a giver or a taker? That's a no brainer. Heart people are generally spontaneous givers and typically give to others with no expectation of something in return. Givers share their thoughts, their homes, their food, their possessions, their time and, most importantly, themselves.

They are well known for gathering the more important things in life; the intangible things, such as : sunshine, hope, trust, caring, kindness, faith and love among other attributes of a fruitful life. At what level are you gathering? Are you gathering the things in life that really count?
As you begin your day, be on the lookout for someone in need even if they don't deserve it, that's what it means to love unconditionally and give-out a helping hand.

Sunday, February 09, 2014


Could you use a reminder on how to slow your life down? One of the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20:8 says, “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath day to the Lord your God.”

What did Jesus do on that last Sabbath of his life? Look in the Gospel of Matthew. Find anything? Try Mark. Nothing there? What about Luke? Hmm…it looks like
Jesus was quiet that day.

Do you mean that with one week left to live, Jesus observed the Sabbath? Are you telling me that Jesus thought worship was more important than work? That’s exactly
what I’m telling you. If Jesus found time in the midst of a racing agenda to stop the rush and sit in the silence, do you think we could, too?


Could you use a reminder on how to slow your life down? One of the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20:8 says, “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath day to the Lord your God.”

What did Jesus do on that last Sabbath of his life? Look in the Gospel of Matthew. Find anything? Try Mark. Nothing there? What about Luke? Hmm…it looks like
Jesus was quiet that day.

Do you mean that with one week left to live, Jesus observed the Sabbath? Are you telling me that Jesus thought worship was more important than work? That’s exactly
what I’m telling you. If Jesus found time in the midst of a racing agenda to stop the rush and sit in the silence, do you think we could, too?


"Personal vision is often a catalyst for a wise decision." Andy Stanley - Pastor and Author

Personal vision is often a catalyst for a wise decision. We all make choices daily and our small as well as big choices become the steering wheel of our lives. Some individuals are able to project the possible future effects of current decisions being made today and thus steer away from regrets. Some learn as they travel. But many people make the same mistake over and over again. Why is that?

Perhaps they fail to clarify their goals or to write down their goals and dreams or to see their role in past mistakes. They may not consider their current circumstances when making decisions that will impact their future. Having a future dream in one's heart and to be frequently reminded of it helps people avoid getting sidetracked and thus be more apt to maintain momentum on their path toward their future destination. Dream the dream that God has for your future; the one He planted in your heart as a child. 
Invite and include Him in your decision making path and always look for the wise decision in each choice you make . . . Even in the small decisions.

Saturday, February 08, 2014


To be successful in life, one has to make plans to succeed. We have to also accept the fact that success is not coincidental but something one has to plan for to achieve in life. These are seven steps one should follow to achieve those success and reach your highest potential in life;
Seven Steps to Success
1.) Make a commitment to grow daily,
 2) Value the process more than events,
3) Don’t wait for inspiration,
4) Be willing to sacrifice pleasure for opportunity,
5) Dream big,
6) Plan your priorities and
7) Give up to Go up.
  John Maxwell  - Leadership speaker and Author
Do you want to become a success In Life? How does one become a successful and another person does not? The seven steps presented lend credence to a plan for success. Consider incorporating these steps in your daily walk and perhaps your results can confirm the outcome of success.
Step 5 is the basis for your success – Dream Big! Make your "Dream Big" list today; embrace your heart's desire and then begin your growth journey into a life of success.

Friday, February 07, 2014


"Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within reach of every hand." Mother Teresa - Missionary (1910-1997)

Love is within reach for everyone. Not all hands reach out to offer help. And not all hands in need of help ask. Some are timid. Some feel insecure. Some don't know how. Some hold to tightly to self.

Not everyone is willing to receive in all seasons or to give with a loving attitude in all seasons. But it only takes one hand to reach out. It only takes one heart to hurt for the needy, the downtrodden, the neglected or the lonely. Is someone waiting for your gentle hand? As Mother Teresa said "Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within reach of every hand." which means as Humans as we are, there are times people we have so much Faith and Trust in may deceive or bring your hard earned reputation into disrepute but nothing should stop us from showing Love to each other. For the Holy Bible states in Romans 5:8 but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Beloved, let us love one another,
for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God.

What Did Jesus Say About Love?

Matthew 5:43-48 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your
enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have?

MY plea with you today is that no matter how a friend, a neighbors or a family member, even a co-worker might have hurt you, you MUST let go of that Hurt and continue to show that Unconditional Love our Heavenly Father shows Unto our Life's, if you don't let go of it know that you are the one person hurting yourself.

LET LOVE BE THE FOUNDATION, in all your Endeavour.


"Feed your faith and your doubts will starve to death." - Anonymous

Doubt brings us down and gets us off track. Doubt opens the door to usher in all forms of fear. If you want to minimize doubt and fear then make up your mind to reduce their food supply. Feed your mind each new-day with thoughts of success, that each day will be the best ever and let go of your shortfalls and get out of those pity party. So what kind of faith food helps to starve doubt to death and begin to feed our faith? Begin with the Word of God... For solid food try reading daily a a truly amazing book . . . read the Holy Bible, the inspired Word of God, a collection of texts written over 2000 years ago.

Fix your mind on things that are true, lovely and right. Fill your mind with stories of faith. Spend time in nature, with small children and the aged. Volunteer to help the less fortunate. In other words, give of yourself to Help others and show Love to those who don't even deserve it for God's Loves us Unconditionally so what stops us from showing Unconditional Love to thy Brethren? Feed others and be fed. But above all, Love your God with all your Heart, Soul, Mind and Strength.


"Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; common sense is not putting it in a fruit salad." Miles Kingston - British Journalist (1964-2008)

Building a strong foundation of knowledge is of great importance in order to be well rounded. Of greater value is having and using common sense and to know what to do with what you know for the good of all. For example, knowing when not to speak is as important as having the ability to express oneself and saying too much.

Common sense is not all that common among educated minds. Be grateful for each taste of common sense that you possess; you may have to share it with those less fortunate.

Thursday, February 06, 2014


The big news of the Holy Bible island not that you love God, but that God loves you; not that you can know God, but that God already knows you! That why The Holy Bible states emphatically clear that Jehovah knew the Dreams and Destiny He had Placed Inside You BEFORE you were even BORN.

God "tattooed" your name on the palm of his hand. You never leave his mind, escape his sight, flee his thoughts. He sees the worst of  you and loves you still why? because you are His Creation and a chef d'oeuvre of His Beautiful Creation and God has your Best Interest At Heart, don't go about Life with the thoughts of Defeat, Mediocrity, Pity Partying and Expecting God to bail you out! Dare to ask God because the Holy Scripture States in James 4:2 " You have not because You do not ask God" and take that Bold step Of Faith by Moving-out of your Secure zone and get into the Faith Zone and I can assure you God will entrust you with Your Divine Dreams and Destiny.

Your sins of tomorrow and failings of the future will not surprise him, he sees them now. Every day and deed of your life has passed before his eyes and been calculated in his decision. He knows you better than you know you and reached his verdict: He loves you still!

No discovery will disillusion him, no
rebellion will dissuade him. You need not win his love. You already have it. And since you can’t win it, you can’t lose it! He loves you with an everlasting love! 


"The only difference between a good day and a bad day is your attitude." Dennis S. Brown.

We all have days where everything we attempt to do seems to go wrong. Yet how we view those events determines our next steps.
And our next steps can set off a chain reaction that may continue the negative theme or change the outlook to an opportunity. Those steps are often directed by our attitude or thoughts. Our attitude stems from self talk. What does your self talk look like? Does it tend to lean toward the negative path? Avoid perpetuating the negative theme. Turn the negative self talk into positive and productive talk giving less attention to the negative. Give more emphasis to the positive and your attitude will begin to change its focus as well. That good day is just an attitude away.


"Experience is a wonderful thing. It enables you to recognise a mistake when you make it again." Franklin Jones- American journalist (1908-1980).

So who really wants to repeat life's mistakes over and over again? Few of us! To recognize a mistake we've made in the past is only helpful if we choose to be good students at learning from experiences. Given events of the past, current situation, and plans for the future, people would do well to ask, "What is the wise thing to do?" At what point do individuals recognize significant and repetitive mistakes . . . before, during or after the mistaken action? How often do we make similar mistakes. Was the mistake memorable enough to serve as a caution? Were the consequences from the last mistake so great that the person vows never to make that mistake again?

Stay alert, recognize the potential hazards, allow the same major mistake only once and learn from your mistake. Another option is to notice and learn from the mistakes of others. Your other choice is simply to allow your personal mistake history to repeat itself and accept the negative consequences. However, life can get complicated enough without repeating poor decision making. Life doesn't have to become more complex and difficult. Experience is the best teacher if we seek to become the best students. Why not stay alert and enjoy a life driven by wisdom and faith.


"Challenge yourself with something you know you could never do, and what you'll find is that you can overcome anything."

Overcoming exhilarates an individual. What is something that you tell yourself you cannot do . . . run a mile, lose weight, draw or paint, dance gracefully, or speak to an audience? Stretch yourself by trying something new that is outside your comfort zone.

New interests can be sparked, interesting acquaintances can be made, unique sites visited. Or who knows what discovery awaits you around the corner! The embracing of a new, yet worthy experience may trigger a desire to explore. Be fascinated with life; grow in strength of character and enjoy the newness of life everyday.




"Winners lose much more often than losers. So if you keep losing but you're still trying, keep it up! You're right on track." - Matthew Keith Groves 

Investors or individuals who frequently fail at doing something have much in common with winners. As a matter of fact, they have more in common with winners than with losers. Losers are people that simply refuse to try or give up easily or too soon.

Winners have unique tendencies. They have a tenacious spirit of never giving up and are driven to learn from their mistakes. Winners frequently experience defeat. Yet they get up, dust themselves off and begin to tackle the problem with a different method. Seeing failure as a catalyst to success keeps the momentum going to stay on the "keep trying" path. Stay on track; be a winner.