Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Focus not just on what is easy, convenient, comfortable, free of charge or free of risk investment. Focus on what is valuable and on what is possible.

To get something valuable and meaningful out of any task or experience you must put value
and meaning into it. It’s worth a little inconvenience to bring more goodness into the  world. The Holy Bible says in Acts 20:35 "In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” Jesus Christ could have commanded miracles to occur in a split second but HE showed us that through our hard work and investing quality time on a project is worthwhile. HE showed this by doing the will of HIS FATHER and taking time to invest in His disciples and those He came into contact with.

Don’t pass up the opportunity to add rich substance to life just because it is a challenge to do so. Face the challenges, make the efforts, and transform the best possibilities into reality.
You won’t learn very much if you spend all your time with people, places and thoughts that are already familiar. Go out beyond what is comfortable and familiar, and discover how very much there is to discover. Take time to explore your environments and you'd be marveled by the great things nature has to offer. Spend quality time to read on historical events, rules about lifestyle, educational programs and you'd experience the great joy about life. Don't be limited by the system, get of such limited mindset and take time to improve yourself and your society in general. Someone needs your smile, your friendship, your love and even just a simple phone call or even a text message.

Life is amazing and absolutely worth the investment of your time and trouble, so make that investment. Life is a grand adventure, so live life in an adventurous manner. Let go of the worn-out excuses and let in some real, rich, fulfilling life. Actually do what you’ll someday wish you would have done, and create a life with no regrets. Move out of your comfort zone and step into your faith zone today as you begin your day and take time to learn and invest in others. Albert Einstein once said " Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile. " Take time to invest in others and yourself and you would enjoy life to the brim.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

See The Beauty In Life.

God gave us a unique gift and it is called TODAY. What are you doing to make it a memorable and enjoyable as well as make an impact to you life, family, friends, neighbours, society and the world at large?

The simple truth and fact about LIFE is there is no map that will   precisely directs you to the exact life you desire. Much of the joy and the fulfillment which  comes our way is dependent on how we treat every second of our LIFE.

We must learn to take full responsibility for making the journey of Life worthwhile and enjoy every second of it. Set backs in Life are suppose to propel us to greater heights and learn from them.  You have been well equipped with what it takes to fashion and lead a life of unique fulfillment. Look deep within yourself, honestly, sincerely, and you will see the great talent in you which is waiting to be utilized to bring and make a positive impact on our generation.

Don’t get trapped and frustrated by trying to live someone else’s dream. Have the courage and the commitment to let your life express who you truly are. It is perfectly okay to love life in your own unique way. In fact, it is your responsibility to do so.

Let go of the worries, fears, false expectations and distractions and know that every setback is actually a set-up for a greater come-back. Allow yourself to see your own beautiful vision, and follow it joyfully forward and when you do I can declare that there will be a new change in your Life which will enable you see the joy and beauty of each day.

@nEshunGh on twitter for more inspirationals.

Its Tuesday!!!! The second working day of the week. As you continue to work for God and Country, devote the right energy and discipline to your work and you'd enjoy every second of it as the project is completed. #WHPH

Saturday, May 03, 2014

Something To Learn.

"The more I understand the mind and the human experience, the more I begin to suspect there is no such thing as unhappiness; there is only ungratefulness." Steve Maraboli - Motivational Speaker /Author

How much unhappiness do you experience? Could the mind default to a state of sadness when the human experience presents us with an outcome that we do not like or with which we are uncomfortable? If it's a dangerous or unhealthy situation, then we might want to remove ourselves from it, if possible. Otherwise change the scenery and backdrop of your mind. Begin to view each and every person, thing, moment, or experience that you have in a new light. Look for blessings daily, count them, list them one by one. Consider getting a notebook, title it your "Gratitude Journal." Write down your blessings daily and describe why you consider something a blessing. You just may realize how much God loves you and how really happy that makes you.

Disappointments are inevitable,  but misery is optional. No matter what kind of setback you face, no matter who does you wrong, don’t go around with a  defeated mindset, in self-pity. Redeem the time and know that every setback is a setup for a greater comeback.