God created us all with special gifts and talents hidden in us. The problem most of us face is that, we do not realize such potentials and these potential dies-out ultimately without been utilized.
Most human beings take pleasure in doing things that not only brings them emolument but also happiness and recognition. I also believe that everyone has hidden talents that are not yet discovered. Before you answer the question of what is your hidden talent, First answer this question. What do you enjoy doing most? and also what makes you happy. After discovering what you enjoy doing most and what makes you happy, you are steps away from unearthing these hidden talents.
Therefore it is essential to develop and act upon this potential to reach the hidden treasure that lies within, regardless of obstacles, setbacks, mistakes,disappointments you may encounter. We have a duty to add to the world the fullness of our gifts, and not rob it of the solutions that only each of us individually can provide!
Here Are Some Steps You Will Need To Follow To Unearth Your Burden Talents Courtesy Wiki How
1. Think about what you love to do. What do you usually enjoy doing, without being asked? What do you seem to be naturally good at? On what do you focus best or most
enthusiastically? What must you be dragged away from doing?
2. Play . Whatever that means to you, let yourself do it. It's not just for children. Experiment, explore, investigate. Try doing different things and entertain different activities. Even try on different
personalities. Give yourself a safe environment for your explorations, one in which you feel free to explore and try different things without the creative inhibition that tells you you might be "wrong". That could be as simple as practicing something alone, with nobody or only a trusted friend looking on. If nobody has to read your practice writing or watches your early attempts at dancing or looks at the notebook where you worked out the details of your latest invention, you won't have to worry about what they think of it.
3. Try taking some personality tests. They can offer insights into the way that you think. These sorts of tests do not identify talents in and of themselves, but they can lend insights that might provide part of the puzzle.
4. Learn about your learning style. You can find online quizzes for that, too. Major learning styles are visual, auditory, reading/ writing, and tactile/kin-esthetic.
5. Notice what people tell you about yourself. Do they notice that you light up when you explain something? Does everybody seem to compliment you on your writing? Your physical coordination?
6. Consider your interests . What sorts of things do you like to read about, write about, or talk about? What shows do you watch on television? What magazine and newspaper articles catch your eye?
7. Notice what you're not good at, also. What seems always to be a struggle? What makes you feel awkward or out of place? For instance, some people are great talkers but hate writing; for others, it's the other way around. That's not to say you can't develop skills and strategies in areas that are not your forte and can work on developing such weakness.
8. Keep a journal or notebook of some sort. It doesn't have to be fancy or formal. You could keep it on the computer or even use voice recordings, if you prefer. Free-writing from time to time is one good way to get at what's on your mind. If writing isn't for you, try drawing pictures, "mind-mapping", or making notes some other way that suits you. Regardless of the method, capture your thoughts now and then. It can help you to spot patterns and themes within your life.
9. Practice . Once you find something you love to do, do more of it. You will improve your skills and refine your technique this way.
You will also discover the depths of your talent, whether it was more a passing phase. Even if the interest turns out to be temporary, you may notice what interested you the most and work on that to improve it.
10. Share your talent with others. It's okay to practice by yourself, but at some point, you should nurture your talent by finding a teacher, even if it's just somebody else with more experience at something who can give you advice. Having an audience (even a small one) is, in many cases, equally important.
11. Use your talent . Make the world a better place, or just show off. Consider making a career of it, or just a hobby . Or if you just want to make it useful just for yourself.
Dr. Munroe states: Everything in life was created with potential and possesses the potential principle. In every seed there is a tree… in every bird a flock… in every fish a school… in every cow a herd… in every boy a man… in every girl a woman… in every nation a generation. Tragedy strikes when a tree dies in a seed, a man in a boy, a woman in a girl, an idea in a mind. For untold millions, visions die unseen, songs die unsung, plans die unexecuted and futures die buried in the past. The problems of our world go not answered because potential remains buried. Therefore let us dig up and discover our hidden treasures and find the wealth of our potential!
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